Before Dropping Out of HS
- have a very specific plan for your time
- “work on those personal projects”/”actually study <math/physics/etc> doesn’t cut it.
- literally plan out an average day, hour by hour
- plan out your months as well. explicitly. with some slack ofc but … do it
- make sure you have basic exercise in, don’t sit inside your house all day
- I am partial to rock climbing, it has kept me sane
- if all of your friends are online, figure out IRL interaction NOW
- chances are high you’ll get depressed not talking to anyone but your family irl
- meetup/eventbrite occasionally lead to interesting outings
- so do hobbies (ie sports, competitive games, etc)
- try to go to hackathons and conferences that are around
- fly places if you can afford it
- make new friends
- in the case that despite doing your best at all of the above, you get depressed or addicted to social media
- tell someone and have them snap you out
- use screen time blockers religiously
- meditate (yes, really)
- up the amount of time you spend outside of your house or in new situations
- spend more time with people if possible
- not making enough progress on work?
- coworking spaces
- or honestly just go to a library or something. change of pace. figure it out
- have a routine (!!!)
- expect that eating disorder gets more aggressive/develops?
- spend more time outside of your house when possible
- therapy??
- do not mess up your sleep schedule.
- I was sleeping 2-10 and sometimes to 12 because I could now dream for arbitrary periods
- do not do this
- sure, consistency is important, but
- so is circadian rhythm
alternatively, be open with someone else who can do problem solving for you
All in all, I personally would have been way way way more miserable in school than out of it, and of these are just pre-emptive warnings, not an attempt to discourage an enterprising high schooler. But like. Think about it, uk?
Extra notes:
- DM me for my AI tricks that don’t trigger gptzero
- meditation article